EU projects
EU projects Atia Print Ltd. starts the implementation of the „Support to micro and small enterprises to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic“
EU projects Atia Print Ltd. starts the implementation of the „Support to micro and small enterprises to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic“
Проект и главна цел: Проект “Преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19” с основна цел осигуряване на оперативен капитал за българските микро и малки предприятия за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19 и постигане на положителен ефект за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19 и стабилност на работните места.
File requirements Learn about our file requirements. Meeting them will facilitate all production processes and will contribute to achieving a quality and complete project. Scale
What is lenticular printing? Lenticular printing is a multi-stage process, which consists of creating a lenticular image from at least two existing images and combining
What is a cut path? A cut path is a 0.25-point-thick vector object in your document, which is separated from the print objects in a
Lamination Cold/hot roll lamination uses laminating film in rolls of different width, thickness and surface. In this technology, the laminating film is applied to the
Dear Customers and Partners, In connection with the current state of emergency in Bulgaria, we would like to inform you that our production is working
We have been working with Alki-L for many years. As a company, they are focused on selling and maintaining huge machines for the construction industry.
Atia Print has a 3M MCS Warranty Certificate for the HP Latex 370 printers. At the end of 2017, we joined a 3M certification program.
Smartity entrusted us with their corporate branding. The project was simple and plain to fit to the overall design of the office. From business cards,